Community is in our DNA!

When God said, “it is not good”.

He had just speaking creation into existence and just finished hand crafting Adam from the dust and breathed life into his lungs. After stepping back and looking at all of creation which he called good, God for the first time said, “it is not good.” He uttered those words when he saw that Adam was alone. So he created Eve .

We are created for community. It is in our DNA to desire belonging. We will fill this need with some sort of community and multiple communities. We here at Resurgence hope and pray that you will be a part of our community. We want to be a second home for you. Just as Triune-God is in perfect community with one another- we want to be a place that grows, stretches, hurts, rejoices, learns, and serves together. You are all welcome to this table and welcome to dine with us. We can invite, we can plead, we can offer but we cannot make you come that is on you and we hope you are willing to meet with us here. Welcome Home!